Entry Requirements For Training & Boarding 

General Training

I have decided to re-enter the training field to the public after taking a break from it the past couple of years, aside from referrals. The goal is to take on clients that want to put in the work, are committed to their dog(s) and at times, changing their entire routine with their dog to further progress. I do regularly train with tools- this includes prongs, slip leads & e collars. If these are not an option for you, which I completely respect, please contact a different trainer. Although some tools like the prong may look like a torture device, it is actually kinder than pulling on a regular collar or slip lead due to dispersed pressure and the dog being able to still breathe fully. If you have questions about tools and are hesitant but open, please feel free to contact me.

Training is not my primary focus which allows me to be pickier with who I take on. I greatly enjoy training dogs and people who are committed and want to learn! Walking your dog should be enjoyable and the more training your dog has, the more places they can go with you which gives them a life full of abundance.

Casual Boarding And Training Board

To qualify for these services your dog must be crate trained and remain quiet when I am not home. There are always exceptions to this rule and I am happy to discuss! Both boarding options have the ability to join the pack walks when appropriate and the space is available, at no additional charge. I will not be taking on more than two dogs at a given time to ensure quality of service and care is given to the dogs in my care.

Please follow up on instagram if you do not hear back from me within a week! Sometimes my emails do not come through or get lost in junk mail